as Seen in
Voyaj connects people from around the globe for one-on-one meaningful exchanges to foster global understanding and peace. Our mission drives us forward daily.
““We imagine a world where strangers no longer exist. It’s time to finally sit down and meet each other.”
- Yasmine El Baggari, Voyaj Founder

meaningful relationships
safe environments to exchange ideas
& share storiesembracing our diversity
cultural exchanges
community building & discovery
inspiration to act for our values
understanding & peace

engagement within your community, expand collective possibilities.
Yasmine was in Morocco two days after leaving Black Rock City. She found herself in the remote Atlas Mountains, where villages had been leveled by the earthquake. “We were on the helicopter team… two helicopters going in because all the roads were completely destroyed… We ended up delivering over two million hot meals that month.”
Many blessings to the land and people of Morocco! May you continue to flourish and prosper without losing your magic, mystery and sense of humor.
Spectacular life surprises– when more than 50 talented architects come together from diverse countries, cultures and industries to share common passions and goals– for learning and design, and to create relevant, inspiring spaces.
I can only hope that when and if I am given the opportunity to return the favor, whether it be with any of these people or someone different, that I can leave them with the same feeling of hospitality and kindness that these people offered to us. I have one thing to say in closing… shukran! --Peace always, Julie Tait
Imagine a world united in celebrating all cultural practices and traditions that grow more love in the world. If this is a world you want, then what cultures will you get curious about, and how will you join them in celebrating their unique expression of love?
Visiting the ancient cities of Fes, Rabat and Casablanca, the artisans, the craft markets and its narrow streets, made us reflect the golden thread that unites our human story.
I am also grateful to Voyaj for introducing me to Atul and for nurturing the sense of common values and the vision of hope. The spirit of Voyaj was present throughout my journey and enlightened my stay. At this stage, I can only look forward to my next… Voyaj!
Discover what we – long-time residents, new arrivals (a.k.a. refugees), and the space community – have in common: Voyages in courage, survival, unchartered territories, and curiosity.